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Having numerous responsibilities in various organizations has led me to emphasize accuracy in all my tasks and assignments. As a math tutor, I must be precise in my teachings and calculations as I am trying to share my knowledge with students aiming to master subjects. I strive for mastery and accuracy when completing tasks to avoid mistakes and difficulties later. Maintaining credibility, quality, and professionalism is a goal I strive for with every task I complete. I have grown personally through my dedication to accuracy, which has enhanced my focus, dedication, and dicsipline.


Time Management

Being a full-time undergraduate student with multiple extracurricular requirements has grown my aptitude towards time management and patience. Juggling numerous schedules and various assignments has taught me how to plan ahead to enhance my productivity. Through proper scheduling and prioritization, I have found that I am a more reliable student and professional. One of my responsibilities as a peer advisor has been scheduling office hours and calendar creation. Being able to apply these skills to a professional position has been a valuable experience.



My time as a Learning Assistant and a private tutor has challenged me, while strengthening my ability to adapt to different situations, people, and environments. Teaching and tutoring numerous math subjects has reinforced my ability to adjust quickly to changes in subject material while also adapting to the differing educational needs of the students. Through my experience with adapting my teaching skills, I have grown to adapt to professional settings allowing me to become a successful member of any team.



I developed a strong sense of independence during my time abroad in Aberdeen, Scotland. Going abroad alone required me to rely on myself, my knowledge, and my own wisdom. Mastering the ability to entrust myself has allowed me to perform exceptionally in an independent setting. This has extended to my studies and in professional positions. I work effectively and efficiently on my own, which has emphasized personal critical thinking and innovation. Independence has led to immense personal growth, which I am eager to further explore and apply.

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