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Study Abroad

University of Aberdeen, Scotland

Going abroad allowed me to grow personally and professionally as I had the possibility to learn skills such as independence, communication, and adaptability. My academic year abroad brought numerous changes and challenges, hence my journey through navigating life in a new country has led me to develop a deeply appreciated perspective on culture, identity, and personal growth. Studying abroad in Aberdeen, Scotland was an immense personal leap, but I wanted to advance my sense of independence while immersed in a new global region. Upon my arrival to Scotland I was unfamiliar with common Scottish phrases, practices, and habits. As I went abroad by myself, I quickly realized that adjusting to life in a new country would be a true test of my ability to adapt and change to the environment around me.


In order to expand my mathematical knowledge through an international focus, I chose to study abroad at the University of Aberdeen for my sophomore year. While in Aberdeen, I was able to work on combinatorics, analysis, and differential equations with faculty from Scotland and peers from numerous global regions. Being able to study at the University of Aberdeen allowed me to advance my knowledge at a university where famous mathematician Colin Maclaurin once taught. I’ve always respected the universal truth of mathematics; math is math regardless of where you are in the world.  Learning varying analytical skills and computational practices through the methods used by different world regions enhanced my appreciation for the subject.

Socially adapting to a new country came as an expected adjustment, however my educational changes came as an unforeseen challenge. Having a year of University of Florida coursework under my belt, I expected to adapt to Scottish educational requirements with ease. However, I was faced with expectations that varied from what I was used to in the States. Essay expectations changed, grammar and language rules differed, and I had to adjust to a new form of educational requirements. I began consulting my Scottish professors and peers, who would give me feedback and commentary on how I could improve. I would continuously work on bettering my academic assignments with feedback in mind to accommodate the new set of expectations. This change of educational practices was challenging, but the work I put into bettering myself emphasized the importance of perspective in a new context.


Speaking with other international students allowed me to grow personally and elicited a deep appreciation for varying backgrounds and cultural experiences. Through the challenges I faced and the changes I went through, I am grateful for the skills I have acquired and how each encounter has shaped me into the individual I am today.


International Coursework

I spent my 2021 – 2022 sophomore year abroad at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland taking classes pertaining both to my major and to the country I was immersing myself in. Courses applied to my mathematics major included Analysis I, Introduction to Combinatorics I, Elementary Differential Equations, Beginning Latin I and II, and Introduction to Art History. In addition to these courses, I wished to familiarize myself with the language, dialect, and culture of Scotland. I chose to take courses which would help in my adjustment while providing an opportunity to learn about the rich history of my host country. These courses included Doric and Scots Language and Scottish Folklore and Oral Traditions.

IDS4956: Doric & Scots Language

Scots is one of the oldest languages of Scotland, with Doric being the regional dialect. Many signs and banners around Aberdeen were written in Doric. Hence this course was instrumental in my immersion into the city. The course was structured around various reading and writing exercises to comprehend typical words and phrases. This course work would include themes pertaining to Scottish history, allowing a deeper appreciation and connection to the content. Final projects for the course were presentations about a historical Scottish monument spoken in Scots. My presentation focused on Dunnottar Castle, the inspiration for the castle in the Disney movie Brave, describing the cultural significance and history behind the historical structure. In the presentation I use the Doric dialect of Scots to describe the physical features of the castle and movies filmed at this location.

Dunnottar Castle


IDS4956: Scottish Folklore
& Oral Traditions

Scotland is an old, historic country with many folklore stories and oral traditions passed on through many generations. This course touched on many of these traditions such as old wife’s tales, historic cultural practices, and work songs. This course was marketed towards international students; hence the content was structured in such a way that students would be able to connect traditions from their home country to Scottish traditions. One essay for the course aimed at exploring a traditional Scottish song and its significance. I structured my work around milking songs and their effect on the working life and family structure. Our final project had students reflecting on their time abroad and explaining a tradition they participated in. For this assignment I wrote about a shoe tree which lived outside my flat’s window. Students would throw their shoes in this tree to symbolize their successful year ending.

Milking Song Essay

Shoe Tree Essay

Study Abroad Peer Advisor

Once my time abroad came to a close, I began my  commitment to the University of Florida's Study Abroad Peer Advisors organization. Beginning Fall 2022, I was able to further dedicate myself to UF’s International Center, but this time I was on the opposite side of operations. As a way to further my international involvement, I work closely with a team of fellow study abroad alumni to host office hours, present information sessions, and attend outreach events to encourage my peers to advance their education internationally.


I have attended UF’s Study Abroad Fair where I have had the opportunity to speak with perspective study abroad students and assist them in finding programs that best suit their goals and aspirations. My reach has even extended to students coming to Gainesville from abroad, by attending welcome events for international students. Additionally, as a peer advisor I get the opportunity to host my own office hours weekly, allowing me to have more in-depth discussions and conversations with peers to help answer any questions or concerns.

In addition to my role as a peer advisor, I have been appointed Vice President of Operations for the 2023 - 2024 school year. In this position I arrange the organization’s office hour schedule for all 48 peer advisors, organize member data, and monitor member involvement. This opportunity has me collaborating with my fellow executive board members and communicating closely with faculty. My time as a Study Abroad Peer Advisor has allowed me to continue my participation with the international center after my own time abroad by assisting my peers on their journey away from home. I highly value my year spent in Scotland, hence my passion for international education drives my involvement in University of Florida’s International Center and encourages me to encourage others to have their own extraordinary experience.

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