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Final Reflection

   My international experiences have challenged, encouraged, and shaped me throughout my time as an undergraduate and I am confident it will continue to motivate me for a long time. From my studies abroad to my continued international education back in the United States, being a global citizen has encouraged me to be more active and understanding of new perspectives and experiences. Speaking to people from all around the world about various topics including education, lifestyle, religion, culture, and more has introduced me to perspectives I never would have experienced were it not for my involvement in international experiences. My participation in the International Scholars Program has allowed me to connect all my personal experiences into a lasting community impact which I am eager to further explore post-completion.


   My international experience began with a risk. Leaving the country on my own, not knowing anyone, and committing to living in a new country for the next nine months was daunting. I went in with confidence; I went in eagerly. I was excited to experience new opportunities in a foreign setting to expand my knowledge and push myself to grow. Facing challenges with new educational expectations were faced with determination and a mindset to succeed. I am grateful for the risks I have taken, and I am sure that the efforts I took to overcome challenges will continue to play a role in my successes in the future. From meeting new people and travelling to new destinations, my time in Scotland was filled with personal growth. Having to plan train travel in German, traverse new countries with no phone, and travelling independently for the first time pushed me to advance my skills as an individual and encouraged me to trust myself. Experiencing new languages and cultures proved that I had the ability to adapt to my surroundings and alter my mindset to one of a global citizen. Demonstrating my strengths through the challenges I faced has emphasized the importance of taking the risk, leaving one’s comfort zone, and striving for more.


   I am beyond grateful to be able to reflect on my time abroad and further my experience back in the United States. As a Study Abroad Peer Advisor (SAPA) I am able to share my global experience not only with perspective study abroad students, but also with fellow study abroad alumni. Hearing challenges other peer advisors faced and how they overcame them has been an enlightening experience. Sharing stories and learning from others has brought me to my love of communication and connection. During my time as Vice President of Operations of SAPA I have implemented a “Show and Tell” segment of our general body meetings. This segment was introduced to allow members to learn about specific global programs, furthering member knowledge for enhanced office hour sessions. During these segments, members share about their program and touch on their experience, from before they depart up until when they came back to the United States. This segment of our general body meetings has provided an outlet for members to share their international education and how their time abroad has impacted them. I am proud of this segment I have created as it garners connection and personal exploration for those sharing. The “Show and Tell” has gone past just a member education tactic. It has progressed to an outlet for members to communicate how they have evolved as students and individuals. Listening to them speak about their international experience has proven to me that being a global citizen is impactful, imperative, and opens our minds to diverse perspectives and ideas.


   My University of Florida and International Scholars Program experience has encouraged me to continue my international reach post-graduation. Connecting my professional and academic goals with my passion for international experience has encouraged me to branch out and explore new options. Whether this be living abroad again post-graduation or working closely with a team of other global citizens, the impact my international experience has had on me is everlasting. I strive to further the skills I developed through this program and apply them to both my professional and personal aspirations. Adaptability, independence, accuracy, time management, communication, and connection will be themes forever present in my life. From learning abroad to growing abroad, I have developed into a scholar, global citizen, and person I am proud of.

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